Hydroponic system is a bit technical to prepare but results can be worth it. There are thousands of different systems all having different features and complexity.
The general idea is to use a neutral substrate in which water will flow regularly. The water will contain all the food that plants need and will give lots of oxygen to the roots.
Plants grow faster and taller, with a bigger yield than regular soil. The overall plant cycle can be shortened. Everytime you add something to the water, plants will respond in a few hours, which is very interesting to closely control the health of your plant.
The counterpart is that this system requires care and time, as little problems occur often (blocked pipe, PH variation...). Also, most strains will not show their full aroma range because the terroir is missing. But don't worry, it doesn't mean your weed will be tasteless...
To get set up, you will need a growing substrate and a water system.
The most used substrate are clay pellets, rockwool, coco fiber or a mix of perlite and vermiculite.
Many different water systems work very well. The most simple is to have a tank half filled of water, with a pump bringing the water to the plant on top of it. It is imperative to use an air pump to bring oxygen in the water, and a water pump to bring water to the plant, unless you want to use gravity...
Make sure you use fertilizer that fits with the hydroponic system, otherwise many problems can arise...